Your eShop Name

Your eShop name & products + general information


Code of Conduct for Your eShop on MawadOnline Sites:

  1. Accurate and Updated Information: You must provide accurate, up-to-date information on MawadOnline sites and to customers by regularly updating your eShop information.
  2. Legal Compliance: Inform MawadOnline promptly of any changes, updates, or modifications in legal documents related to your eShop.
  3. eShop Name Requirements:
    • Your eShop name/display name must not exceed 128 characters for English and 256 for Arabic.
    • The name should accurately reflect your business activity registered in your commercial license.
    • The name must not include any brand name, registered names, or approved names used by other firms, organisations, or entities (e.g., "MawadOnline," "Fosroc," "Grohe," etc.).
    • The name cannot resemble a website or email address.
    • The name must have a decent meaning and must not offend Sharia, other religions, or public interests or sentiments.
    • By default, the name will be translated into Arabic/English unless you specify otherwise during the onboarding process, following MawadOnline's policies.
  4. Product Listing Compliance: Ensure that your listed products fall within the government-approved categories on our sites.